Would it really be a day in Crypto without some superb and cringe drama here? Well, I don‘t think so, and today we are already not missing out at all. Jus about a few hours ago we saw an animated video released on Twitter/X from Justin Sun, founder of Tron, and it most definitely embodies Justin Sun…
As I can‘t post a video in a post on our sub, I will give some screenshots and try to describe the rough “story“.
Screenshots from Justin Sun‘s video on Twitter/X, look up his profile to watch the whole video
Story Overview:
So, the story starts with some AI system giving out the warning that “hackers are shorting Crypto“ (which does not make sense btw) and then the animated Justin Sun for some reason puts on VR sets and goes into a world that is being eaten by something purple (probably representation for hackers). Anyways he saves the day with some sky beam, just like a true Avenger, and then the TRX price jumps up for some reason.
And yeah, after that he goes to mars for some reason, probably because it looked cool.
Personal Opinion:
Generally there is of course nothing against any company or Crypto doing marketing for themselves, but it is quite weird once that marketing involves their creator “saving“ a whole industry and they market the TRX price pumping. I think marketing of Crypto projects has been done a lot, but most of it involved some partnerships and use-cases being marketed. Not a whole Avengers movie trailer, whose only element about Tron is that it‘s price is pumping after saving Crypto…
Disclaimer: This is not a financial advice, nor a hit piece on Tron, but just showcases the new video released by Justin Sun and afterwards my personal commenting about it.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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