Crypto history is littered with visionaries and early adopters and most importantly convicted people. Sometimes we have even seen some very dedicated Crypto investors making some seemingly irrational decisions at the time, that still paid off later.
Many even used their lifefunds to buy BTC at a levek where literally no one could have imagined us to reach anywhere near current heights. One of those stories are quite legendary, funny and a bit too risky too:
Here we can see a chat between an ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend. The girlfriend said to get a gift for the birthday of her father, the boyfriend quickly said ‘no’ in arguably a bit of a rude way. The reason for that was that the boyfriend was buying BTC under $4k instead, back in late 2017 where BTC was in a bear market. So while that is quite some exceptional conviction by the boyfriend, it is also just a bit mean…
I think nowadays maybe you should not put buying BTC over your relationships. At the end love will outlast everything, we should not be putting some money, no matter in which form, over the people we could live for the rest of our life.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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