This took me a little while to get my head around early on here, but it’s the beauty of the blockchain. Reddit distributes Moons to us as users but once they are in our Vault they are on-chain and only able to be accessed to someone with the private keys.
If you have your seed phrase, you still have access to your Moons outside of Reddit.
Reddit can’t ever delete your Moons from your Vault remotely or penalize you for a post for example and take half away. Reddit distributes Moons but after that, they’re truly yours in the trustless and permissionless way that only crypto offers. I don’t want to sound like your real dad, but it’s real crypto with the real consequences of self-custody – if you lose your seed phrase (private keys), there’s no Reddit sub, help desk or tech that can get it back for you; it’s gone forever.
Secure your Vault’s seed phrase as soon as you can. Also consider enabling Two Factor Authentication for your Reddit account under Advanced Security. Again, I’m not your real dad but I never want to read the pain of another “Think I lost all my Moons pls help guys” post here again
submitted by /u/1078Garage
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