Flashback to the super-bear-market dark days of 2022, when news broke of Crypto.com(CDC) have accidentally sent an Australian woman 10.5 Million AUD. The strangest part might just have been that CDC only because aware of the issue 7 months later and was then pursuing the later legally at that time. Of course, within that 7 month timeframe the woman had long since cashed out “her” funds and bought a mansion 4 houses and vehicles including a 1.35 Million AUD house, or rather mansion.
CDC came after her with the full force of the law and she was eventually arrested and held in custody for 209 days. She was recently sentenced to an 18-month community corrections order including 6 months compliance and unpaid labour. To be honest, aside from the custody, sounds like she got off easily and other judge’s could have been way harsher. I’m not here to defend her either, don’t get me wrong, as she tried to argue in court that the money came from a CDC competition, something that could be easily disproved, and it was. Also, going on that insane easily-trackable spending splurge was obviously a poor choice and she could have at least moved away and laid low if she really wanted to get away with it. But I digress.
We all know that if one of us had instead sent a large some to an address that happened to be owned by an exchange, that money would probably be long gone. More than likely they have disclosures, policies and terms of service to cover the event of an accidental transfer of funds to them.
Now it took 7 months for CDC to become aware of an pursue this matter. What’s even worse is that this was around the time of the deep bear market/low trading volume when they were laying off lots of staff, downsizing and restructuring sponsorship deals and the disaster of massively slashing their card rewards. It seemed like if the market wasn’t bad which forced them to downsize, they would have never realised the issue.
There’s also the issue of this being a “spreadsheet error”. You would think that CDC would have complex appropriate guidelines, reliable fault-tolerant systems and top-of-the-line code in place to protect users funds and data against simple avoidable errors. But you’d be wrong since all of this was apparently the result of a spreadsheet error*.*
submitted by /u/Dependent-Action-583
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