The live stream just went black but when I started watching ben was ranting about some guy named Carlos who evidently has his lambo in his garage and Ben showed up to his house and starts knocking on the door. The guy doesnt open..
Ben starts shouting and ranting and raving and you can see bens truck in the street running with the lights on. He was explaining to the stream how BMF is involved somehow and from what I gathered something to do about ben coins for MASTER P and Maxine waters telling someone to stab them in the neck with a syringe.. 😂😂 ( sorry I was barely paying attention until the cops showed up! )
There was also some mention by Ben about Carlos I think having loose lips about who killed offset and the guy who killed him and how it relates to J-Prince!
Then the cops show up and they are asking Ben if he was armed and he said no not on me but in my truck! Then they asked if anyone was in the truck and Ben mumbled and the cop screamed is anyone else in the truck!!! Ben said yes cassidy(?) is in the truck and then ben looked right in the camera and said its the girl I had an affair with but my wife knows im here! 😂😂😂
Keep in mind the phone is on the ground cause they had him drop everything. After all that, who I believe is one of the cops did something to the phone and the live was still going but only audio and you can hear ben practically doing the whole live stream again but just explaining to the cops what was happening and he said “I signed over my lambo under duress” cause he explained he was being black mailed about him cheating on his wife.
Anyway.. one thing leads to another and I can hear been say he has the contact details in his phone and he asked permission to get it and ben picked up the phone and the audio stream stopped.
EDIT: Tell me one of you recorded it!
EDIT: Bitboy (supposedly) arrested. ( not verified )
Who is in the car! lol
( somebody recorded! Cmon, bust out the whole vid!! )
EDIT: Right when the cops show up!!
submitted by /u/time_dj
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