Just shows how much farming MOONS was for people, it was a nice way of extra income for others and allowed people to build a new alt in their portfolios.
Before we got links after links or posts every 5 or 10mins. Now it’s roughly 2-3 a hour. The amount online averaged around 4k now only around 2.7k online..truly shows how much of an impact it’s had on this community.
But on a positive note, let’s remember that regardless of MOONS we are here to share the joy of investing in our future, for freedom. We are here for crypto to be in a better position for ourselves and for our lives.
Crypto isn’t over, the ETF will come, the halving will happen and the Bullrun will soon follow! Let’s hold our heads up and continue to accumulate at the prices we get (not MOONS).
submitted by /u/YourMovieBuddy
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