submitted by /u/Lokiee0077 [link] [comments]
Day: October 22, 2023
A little bit of history on the 200 week MA The 200 week moving average (200 week...
XRP sent to newly created wallet while I was asleep. Can’t figure out how they got to it.
2 min read
Lost my XRP off Trust Wallet. Never connected with xrpl to any site (happened while I slept)...
submitted by /u/-_-DarthVader [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Waterballoonsglitter [link] [comments]
(I kinda just wanted to add a no moons tag, for the sake of it.) Anyhoo –...
Morgan Stanley believes crypto winter is over, Bitcoin halving will kick off new bull run
1 min read
submitted by /u/RossoneriEA [link] [comments]
I already asked this in the Polkadot sub but there’s like 50 people online at one time...
We can clearly see that the narrative regarding Bitcoin is slowly but surely changing within the mainstream...
Everyone and their dog is familiar with the bitcoin halvening by now. Every 4 years the issuance...