submitted by /u/laulau9025 [link] [comments]
Day: November 1, 2023
A post from Ergo went viral. Asking CMC for years to show their metrics about market cap...
I didn’t logged in for about 1,5 year on hitbtc. I just read they changed their terms...
Over 200 million dollars taken from a COVID relief fund. Instead of helping poor families of El...
submitted by /u/fap_fap_fap_fapper [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/kirtash93 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Lokiee0077 [link] [comments]
How close are we now to it and to the big dump? There is a lot of...
Welcome to the Monthly Optimists Discussion thread. As the title implies, the purpose of this thread is...
Adoption guys? submitted by /u/noburnyet [link] [comments]