During the last bullrun Satoshi Nakamoto’s BTC networth was 75.6 billion, he owns approximately 1.1 million BTC. Currently he sits around half that amount around ~35 billion.
To put that into perspective the richest man on earth at the moment, Elon Musk, has a networth of 232 billion. The 2nd richest man has a networth of 175 billion and the third richest man a networth of 144 billion.
What do you guys expect Satoshi Nakamoto’s networth to be next bullrun and do you guys think he will become the richest man alive?
Edit: Thinking longer about this and there is actually something to this. If he does turn out to become the richest man alive or dead. It’s an anonymous person/entity and will have done nothing with that wealth. Something poetic about it.
submitted by /u/AscendedRegard
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