We are asking for help from the broader crypto community.
What Coin Market Cap is doing to Ergo is just a preview of what they would do to you if they manage to sweep this under the rug.
Whether you agree, disagree, hate us, or just don’t care about what got us to this point, I implore you to look hard at what it means for a top ranked data aggregator to take a position of personal spite towards a single project. And as is tradition in our ecosystem, we want to hear from you even if you agree with CMC…
Our argument is that CMC is not being consistent with their chart splitting.
Ergo had a community project a couple years before mainnet that airdropped some tokens with a very small total supply to users. This was to help build the community and raise funds for the platform’s development and promotion before the mainnet launch, it was on the Waves network. After Ergo’s mainnet launch, a portion of mining rewards went to a treasury to help bootstrap the Ergo Foundation (4.43% for 2.5 years). The Waves EFYT token was allowed to exchange utilizing part of that 4.43% that the EF had in their own treasury. This is documented. CMC feels they should show this small separate project as part of our main chart, causing the chart/mcap ratio to vary wildly for that time. When confronted, they decorated our page with a very spiteful and libelous message (we released all the support emails to prove otherwise) and refused to remedy.
Below is a copy of our recent tweet. We ask r/CryptoCurrency for not just help for us, but for those mentioned in the tweet…and potentially you in the future…If CMC feels no shame for what they are doing to a small MC open source and transparent project, do you think they will hesitate when it comes to your turn? Please join us and help us hold CMC accountable for the future.
Tweet is here
submitted by /u/balls_in_da_mouf
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