My little brother passed a couple of months ago, and my SIL is now dealing with all the legal stuff. She is not very tech savvy, pretty much only uses her laptop for e-mails and storing photos, very simple stuff.
My brother have previously talked about crypto mining and other things relating to crypto currency, but that’s as much as she knows. First of all, how would she go about trying to find out if there’s any crypto currency in his name somewhere, and if she does find anything, will she even be able to gain access?
Or is it like with standard online accounts such as social media etc – if you don’t have the password or the details for the resetting of the password, you’re pretty much lost?
If it matters, my SIL is in Finland. None of the legal advicors she’s spoken to have any knowledge about crypto, and none of us in the family have any knowledge about it either (legal or otherwise).
Thankful for any advice/insight!
ETA: Thanks for the advice so far, I will pass the details on. She’s been able to find e-mails relating to binance, etoro and NiceHash so far.
submitted by /u/Jasper0906
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