I know there will always be someone who was able to buy cheaper, sooner, earlier, than you could. Reading people on here buying in at 20k(BTC) and sitting on it waiting for the big show almost makes me sick to think as a new comer DCA ‘ing in monthly up here in the 40’s, that I’m way too late or something. I know it’s all relative and when/if its in the 60k+ plus range my “start” at 40k will then probably feel a lot better but dang. I feel so late or something just now building my BTC/ETH portfolio. I’m still planning on buying monthly, it’s just hard to with the thought that I’m too late to get in on any meaningful profits. Meaningful may also be relative, I know. Sorry. Just looking for some validation or something. Trying to find the right mindset.
submitted by /u/GunnDawg
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