So hypothetical question here, but I see countless portfolio guides on YouTube and Discord that are just purely opinion videos, all trying to convince you which alt/shitcoin is the best. It’s usually 50% BTC/ETH, then x% in each sector. For a higher portfolio value I can see why that might be suggested. But for $1000, I feel like I would either take the safer option and going all into BTC and ETH, or just BTC and store it in a hardware wallet, no faffing about with alts because gas fees are going to eat up a healthy amount of that anyway for storage if you’re buying a plethora of coins.
My goal has always been to get to a point that I own 1 full ETH, I’ve not had many exact goals but this is one of them.
I’d love to hear everyone else’s opinions on this.
submitted by /u/Ul-thane
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