If you have withdrawn 500 times from an exchange you now have 500 utxo’s in your wallet. To send it back to an exchange you have to put all these 500 utxo’s in a tx. Let’s say we send 0.9 BTC to an exchange to sell and send 0.1 BTC back to a change address.
The total size for such a transaction would be:
Version (4 bytes) Input Count (3 bytes) Inputs (500 * (32 + 4 + 107 + 4) bytes) Output Count (1 byte) Outputs (2 * (8 + 25) bytes) Lock Time (4 bytes)
= 73,578 bytes
Now times 500 sats per byte = 36 789 000 sats or 0.367 BTC.
0.367 BTC out of 0.9 BTC = 40%
only 0.533 BTC would end up at the exchange which you could sell for 53 300 dollar.
So you would have 40% less money then you think. With the biggest insitutional players like Blackrock and Vanguard now getting in to the Bitcoin game and realizing they can easily price people out just by making a lot of transactions on the network (especially since they own a lot of mining companies and thus can make tx without having to pay for them) I think this is a very likely scenario.
I think the days of self custody will soon end, it will simply become to expensive for the average person.
submitted by /u/Ilovekittens345
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