Its that time again. Time to get a feel.
We all agree the vast majority of “crypto games” suck, as they try to build a game around blockchain, instead of just trying to make a good game first.
I don’t game apart from Madden and MarioKart64, but its likely to be a huge sector, and perfect for blockchain ownership of tradable items, weapons, skins, etc.
As I research now, I am mainly looking for quality and sentiment.
Things like Axie and Illuvium, when I watch, I dont really understand wtf the appeal is or what the hell is going on, but I do understand that a buttload of people love that Pokemon/D&D stuff.
And then there are Shooter games like Off the Grid and Shrapnel.
Just want to hear what y’all are Booleesh on and specifically why.
Degen Force, go! Leeroy Jeeeeeenkinsss!!!
submitted by /u/pimpcaddywillis
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