I dunno if anyone else has been follwing twitter and saw a ton of crypto “influencers” all shilling the exact same token with the exact same post. I user named macnbtc with his 500k followers announced a token called satoshi vm that is supposed to be a btc zk layer2 rollup that uses btc as gas. They had a test net where you could bridge fake btc and eth onto satoshi and everyone was being promised “rewards” for anyone who used the testnet. There was a planned ido announced by apeterminal that was going to gift savm to unanimous winners befroe the launch which turned out to be entirely a scam ido an apeterminal gifted themselves the winning wallets. Savm was then released a day earlier then announced and immediately 300x. The very next day it dropped from all the influencers dumping their allocated tokens on retail, and then claiming they were just taking 10% profit. Well it turns out the entire thing was bullshit and just a big rug pull created by this dude macntbc. The whole story is fucking amazing to listen to, so if youre looking for some humor check out savm on twitter.
submitted by /u/sluggz9
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