Hello all,
This just happened to me and I want to share while providing as limited details as possible as I don’t want anyone to click any links.
I have an email address that is associated with a few crypto websites like coin gecko, a few exchanges, and a few Polkadot projects for updates. Within the last hour, I got an email that I had created a new Patreon account using this email, and then there were multiple Patreon login code emails.
I went to Patreon’s website in a browser without clicking any links, and attempted to sign in with the email address in question. It then prompted me to make a password, and I had a “membership” to a somewhat prominent Polkadot project, complete with links to an airdrop that, if legit, would have been about $4,000 USD worth of coins.
I reported the project and posts to Patreon, and am disabling the Patreon account made with this address.
The whole thing might seem like an obvious scam, and therefore not important enough to document for you all, but the process of getting me to this page was so elaborate that I wanted to share. Making me a real Patreon account, signing me up for memberships to fake versions of real projects.. I wanted to warn others in case this could happen to them.
I suspect I was targeted due to using this email address to get updates for projects, some of which may have never materialized and sold their assets or data. I’ll change some passwords for the email account and other things as a precaution. Just a reminder to stay vigilant.
Update: I requested a privacy report from Patreon when I deleted the account, and the account was created in Colombia. I don’t know if that is helpful but sharing anyway.
submitted by /u/luciddrummer
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