Excited to announce that Celer has decided to support Moons, allowing users to bridge their Moons to Arbitrum one!
The bridge will go live by March 20, 2024 and will be multidirectional, meaning users can bridge Moons from nova to one and from one to nova.
Reasons to bridge
There is significantly more liquidity on Arbitrum one ($2.76b TVL) compared to Arbitrum nova ($30m TVL) As Arbitrum nova is not currently a popular chain there exists the possibility of shutdown in the future There are a plethora of DeFi applications on Arbitrum one that Moons could be incorporated into that do not exist on nova Arbitrum one has support for multisig, which could be beneficial for community funds held in u/TheMoonDistributor
Moons distributions
Moons distributions and tipping will still occur on nova in order to keep gas fees low. Gas fees on Arbitrum one can be significantly higher and more volatile than nova, but still they are much more manageable compared to mainnet gas fees.
Moons bridged to Arbitrum one will retain full voting power in snapshot. Users with Moons on both networks in one wallet can simply connect and vote with their full balance. If the Moons are held in different wallets on different networks then both wallets can be connected and vote with their respective balances.
We thank you for your patience as we continue to develop utility, partnerships and expansion of the Moons ecosystem.
submitted by /u/CryptoMods
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