Edit: I mad ea mistake, HNT is up 550%. Trying to post his on a mobile browser is a terrible experience. Sorry about that! And LTC is down 27%. My god, where did I get this math?
A few notes: Even though I tried to put $865 equally into each project, some were not exactly $865. Some were maybe $850, while others were $870, but the majority were closer to exactly $865. And the total of X and Y coins purchased might actually be off by a few percent because I rounded off some when adding it to my portfolio tracker. I also used many different modes of purchasing the coins to avoid getting hacked and losing it all, from eToro to Binance to Coinbase. Also, some were purchased a few days later but the majority were purchased on July 12th.
Here is a screenshot of my portfolio tracker. What I took away from this investment experience is:
Diversification is king. This was a huge gamble. I plan on doing this when the market crashes by 75%. I wish I had DCAed. I honestly have no idea why I did not. There were times I could have bought the best performing ones at a major discount. Reverse r/CC. Due to a few kings (HNT, SOL… I know it is hated here, RUNE, and INJ), I was able to pretty much 2x my investment. LTC what the hell are you doing?
My advice to you:
Do not invest in any of the crypto projects that have already 5x or 10x. They will not retain their value. I have done this many times since 2017, and every project in my portfolio that has done 5x or 10x in the last year has fallen just as much during a bear market. Funnily enough, even though LTC was my worst-performing one, it was actually the most resistant to price crashes during the bear market. At a few times, it was actually up tremendously %wise, but I never sold because the gains were minimal $wise and not worth it at that time, relatively speaking. So even though it was the worst performing, it is actually a good store of value if you do not care about long-term gains. Seriously, do not buy any crypto projects that have already mooned.
submitted by /u/SquatDeadliftBench
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