You guys are good at this stuff, so instead of just playing it over in my own head, I figured I’d solicit some more opinions!
I have a portfolio made of BTC, ETH and ADA. My plan had always been to continue accumulating and then start exiting around the run after the 2028 halving (if it plays out that way) as I’ll be turning 50 that year and it should help support me retiring early on top of other investments etc.
However, I need to pick up a new car, probably around July this year.
50% of my ETH at current prices would buy the car outright, so no debt and no interest, and I could then go back to re-accumulating that ETH over the next couple of years. This likely means I won’t make the same margin on part of my ETH stack as I don’t expect to see the prices I was lucky enough to accumulate at initially, but as my ETH is currently 102% up when aggregated, some of that would balance out against the realised profit from using it on the car.
My biggest concern is that I’m expecting the next bull market to really run from Q4 2024 until Q4 2025 (just my opinion, not claiming to be an oracle!) so I know I’d be cashing out at a less than ideal time.
I don’t like the idea of financing the car and having to pay a load of interest when I could be spending that money reinvesting in my portfolio, but I’m not clever enough to know whether the potential gains from holding my ETH would perform better than the interest payments on the car.
I could afford to make the monthly car payments if finance is the better option, but quality of life is obviously better if there is no monthly payment to be made, and paying down a car would reduce my monthly DCA by about 50% and would be less flexible (I can always reduce my DCA for a month if things come up, whereas a car payment is going to be set in stone) So, I’m interested to see what thoughts people have.
Thanks for any insight you guys can provide.
P.S Been in crypto long enough to know that I’ll be ignoring my DMs (but always nice to see people warning others!).
submitted by /u/Saxonion
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