I am trying to understand something.
Let’s say you purchased a token [MemeCoin] for $10 – for a while everything was going well.
One day you wake up and the community is torn to pieces, you have $0.01 and the creators are nowhere to be seen.
Clearly a scam or something suspicious about that.
Now if you were to look at the token on Coinmarket Cap or similar you would see that there is still a couple million dollars of value sitting in this token but the holders will never sell because $0.01 is worthless to me and not worth the effort and gas gees.
So my question is – let’s say there is about 5 million dollars in this token, does it just dissappear from existence, sitting in a void?
I understand that the price will reduce as people sell and that not everyone can break-even, I know there will be winners and losers but if the token is dead, no trading is happening there is surely a ton of money lying around that will never go anywhere.
submitted by /u/Killaa135
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