After years of waiting Gods Unchained finally released their mobile app for both Apple and Android. Being Gods Unchained of course there are some bugs that will hopefully be ironed out in the future… But for now you can play GU where ever you find yourself, which is pretty neat.
Now lets get some screenshots for those who want to see more.
Launching/Loading Screen of App
Tapping a card will pull up an overlay that tells you more about the card
What you should know.
The board size scales based off screen size, this means playing on an Iphone SE can feel a bit challenging due to the small size of the assets. Whereas playing on a mobile device with a larger screen or tablet – allows for a lot more aesthetic enjoyment. Since the card information is hidden by default, and most of the card itself is hidden in your hand – it feels like this layout would be challenging for beginners without starting knowledge. Of course cards can be tapped to pull up more information but it just feels like it isn’t exactly beginner friendly.
What do I think:
The Mobile App works great as an on the road extension of the Gods Unchained Client, and I’ll definitely be playing it when I’m waiting somewhere not at home. However losing a ranked game due to a bug (like an unplayed card disappearing from your hand and still taking up a card slot) can be infuriating.
The app has potential but needs to be further developed before it can become a smashing success. I hope you enjoyed this quick post/review of the newly launched GU mobile app.
This post is the announcement post on the GU sub, and contains a direct download link for the Gods Unchained Mobile app. You can also search “Gods Unchained Immutable” on either app store to find it yourself.
submitted by /u/GabeSter
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