My emotions were so numb since the long bear market.
It was like a way to cope with the losses since I’ve started investing in crypto in 2021 right at the top. I kept DCA’ing and prices didnt matter to me….until lately.
We’re so close to the previous ATH and if we continue at this rate, we will get a new ATH in no time.
I’ve seem my portfolio in the reds for such a long time, but how it not only became greener, it is up nicely! An excitement I had last time in 2021 top.
What concerns me the most is the acceleration at which these price movements is happening. It is so super fast…last week I would never had expected us to go above 60k, but here we are.
Is this “normal” for a bullmarket or is this time different?
submitted by /u/derika22
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