I used to dismiss Bitcoin as FarmVille money in 2012.
Until finally 2020 came and that’s what everyone could talk about. Researched about it, got into the shitcoin casino and lost alot of money.
Finally in 2021, after spending 12 hours a day listening to Michael Saylor, What Bitcoin Did and Andreas Antonopoulous realized that Bitcoin only is the way to go.
Currently I’m at 4.5 BTC, divided into 1 BTC per wallet. All stacked using no-kyc. Fuck KYC, fuck the govt, fuck taxes. No exchanges, only converted hard cash to BTC with no money trail and complete anonymity. To the government, I’m a law abiding citizen who pays my taxes on my income. But I am an anarcho-capitalist who hates the government, system and know that this facade is all going to collapse someday.
Been fucked over by the system too many times.
Lost money in bank failures Seen property seized from family Suffer harassment from the government in the form of bribes because I’m a high earner Hating what is going on in my country right now and need the ability to move with portable wealth if the times ever comes. Bitcoin is freedom.
As of now, Stopped stacking now because I have other financial goals. I think my stack of 4.5 BTC is a good allocation as per my net worth. Now, if BTC 3x from here I can retire comfortably with 1mn. I’m in a third world country. I am already paying a huge amount of my regular income to taxes. Being in a third world country, I am facing corruption, lack of facilities and lack of breathable air. I don’t think taxes are worth it.
I will not be selling BTC to buy a house. I already have multiple properties. I will only be selling BTC if I need to. Ideally, never. I hope my other income sources can sustain my lifestyle. That being said, it’s good to know I will have a 1mn cushion that will help me if I ever decide to stop working. If I ever have to retire on Bitcoin, I will follow the 4% rule. However, as of now it looks like my other assets and job can help me life by without spending my Bitcoin.
No I’m not going to retire in USA, Europe or any first world country. Also, I have regular earnings from other income sources.
I want to be a sovereign individual and BTC is my exit ramp. Only stack no KYC. Don’t touch exchanges. Don’t give out your ID to exchanges.
That being said, I’m not sitting around waiting for BTC to moon. I’m mining fiat with my day job and accumulating assets (Bitcoin, Gold, Silver, Stocks and Properties)
PS: How did I stack no KYC Bitcoin?
Attend bitcoin conferences, web3 events, and just regular meet-ups in your city. By absolutely doing nothing and just being there, I have met some of the absolute high rollers in the industry with $100 mn+ portfolios. They are having a meetup? Say yes. They are having an after party at somebody’s villa ? Say yes. Even got the chance to meet Jack mallers, Stephen livera, Robert Breedlove, MMcrypto, Davincij etc. just by being there. I’m nobody great just an average individual and there’s no reason these people will want to meet me. But being there at the right place is important. It’s very easy to live in a bubble and ask “where do you find such people for P2P” but fact is, you will get nowhere by sitting behind a keyboard. It is as safe as it gets. You gain trust, you get referred. You get invited to the inner circle.
Start with money you can afford to lose. The first few times I did it, I was prepared to lose my $1000. With time, I built trust in the sellers. Not buying from shady people but rather from people who have yachts and supercars. Also, miners – I don’t expect to get murdered when I walk into a mining facility with 100 S19Pros with $5000 on me.
This is the playbook.
submitted by /u/No_Cheetah_5073
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