submitted by /u/bakraofwallstreet [link] [comments]
Day: March 8, 2024
2019 I had to sell all my crypto (huge profit) because I was addicted to it. You...
I used to dismiss Bitcoin as FarmVille money in 2012. Until finally 2020 came and that’s what...
i usually just read in this sub and dont post, but the recent posts i have been...
submitted by /u/fap_fap_fap_fapper [link] [comments]
slightly late yearly update for my nonprofit (cfthl) that was created entirely on/with reddit!
2 min read
Hello! I usually post around this time each year to update you all about my personal crypto...
I have been accumulating crypto for a few years now and at this point I have multiple...
submitted by /u/cryptonitelife [link] [comments]
With Moon Week 46 coming to an end, it’s time to review the results of the Governance...
Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer:...