2019 I had to sell all my crypto (huge profit) because I was addicted to it. You know that feeling. Checking everytime, checking during the night when you wake up to pee, always searching for new tokens etc etc.
2021 i was back smoothly but again i was little by little involved but not at the point of addiction. Sold all my coins again again good profit.
Here comes 2024. Bought around 20k of Crypto, some alts, some BTC. One month and a half later, 45% profit. But too much anxious. Checking charts all day and on and on.
I’ve seen how things can get ugly, I remember that historic pinned message here when the market crashed. All this makes me feel really anxious.
No I’m getting the sellers remorse. Still reading the sub, checking charts. Maybe I’ll get back soon. But at this prices I think it’s not a smart move.
submitted by /u/Horror-Badger9314
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