Lately almost every crypto article on sites like Forbes CNBC has misleading headlines that claim XRP is also part of the price surges happening with BTC and ETH. Looking at the price history for XRP proves this isn’t the case it’s basically been crab walking at it’s ATL for years and is down 1% YTD.
Seems very shady and illegal, they’re misinforming many people that won’t even fact check and then recite information, example my coworker asked if I own XRP and asked how much money I made and was at a shock when I told him I’m down because he read that the price surged and urged me to check its value again!
I’m hesitant to hold what I have but I’m already at a loss so might as well see what happens and dump if it gets close to ATH. What is everyone position on XRP? It seems to me that it’s reputation is tarnished in the crypto world, what are the chances for actual use/adoption?
I’m also kind of hesitant to see alt coins gain as much momentum as they did in the last bull run, some are rising but not at the same rate as everyone expected, lots of resistance.
submitted by /u/musicfrom2006
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