I haven’t logged into my wallet for at least 3 years and I just found out I still have 2.4 million FLOKI just sitting there.
Bought it back in 2021 when it was dirt cheap, had some money to play with.
After a couple months I wanted to convert it back to ETH on Uniswap but the gas fees were ridiculous and I just said F it and just left it in my wallet.
I really have no desire to ride whatever wave is going on with it and want to exit but the gas fees on Uniswap are still ridiculous. Need like $200 worth of ETH just to convert it back?!?!?
What are some other swap apps or cheaper coins to convert it to?
And no I’m not giving you my recovery phrase or transferring the coins to you.
submitted by /u/GoForthandProsper1
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