Thousands of hours spent on DYORing, DCAing over 4 years and carefully keeping myself up to date with all the coins in my watchlist (ca. 50 all in top 200) and opportunistically swapping among some coins to try to anticipate trends. I ended up having invested an abundant double digit % of my net worth in crypto.
I went through the 2021 frenzy with diamond hands and didn’t take any profit. It was my first whole cycle and as many of us I learned the lesson in the hard way.
At the lowest, in Nov 2022, my portfolio was showing a -65%, after all the Luna (in which I was heavily invested…), Gemini, FTX drama Needless to say that red figure was showing every early morning and every late night, feeling like a stone on my belly.
I think the key was just to have a strong conviction and consistency.
At the lowest, I actually put down a large lump sum on a couple of high conviction bets (thanks god INJ, ended up doing my first 25x) and said that I would not have invested more if BTC would have gone below 15k. Luckily, I was hitting exactly the bottom of the cycle.
From that moment on I was patiently waiting and soon that red figure started to become orange, yellow, grey and finally green.
My conviction is that we will go well beyond 70k price in the next months but this time, having learned the lesson and having reached +70% of profits on a large sum, I decided to finally take profit and sell.
After a night spent with 20 cold and hot wallets, carefully moving all my 40+ positions to the exchange (ps. Always do a small test transfer before moving big sums over a chain!), I sold each of them. Today the large fiat withdraw transfer from the exchange hit my bank account and finally it was … real.
I am already having feelings seeing that BTC & co are rallying today but I feel I developed a strong sense of belonging into the crypto world and actually feeling happy for you guys that are holding (although a bit jealous, but I guess 100% satisfaction just cannot be achieved, emotions – and greed among them – are too strong).
One day I am sure I will make another bank transfer, towards the exchange, and the story will start again. Maybe with lower amounts.
But for the time being I’ll be on the sidelines and cheer.
Pls guys remember to take profit at some point, particularly if you are new to crypto, that is an important lesson. Play smart.
Ps. Anyone has experienced my same “take profit” bittersweet happiness & sadness? 🙂
submitted by /u/Crypto_Fi
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