Look at this flood of recent US Patent grants, citing Algorand in their US Patent application. From tech, to banks, to lighting, to defense, to crypto, to insurance. Big names including: Microsoft, Visa, IBM, HP,
There is a ton, check for yourself here: https://ppubs.uspto.gov/pubwebapp/static/pages/ppubsbasic.html
Microsoft (US Patent No: 11915014 B2)
IBM – Silvio Micali’s Patents for ‘Distributed Transaction Propagation and Verification System’ (which repeatedly references #ALGORAND) and ‘Counterfeit Prevention’ both cited in IBM’s Patent for “Anonymous Database Rating Update”.
ARM— “Blockchain for securing and/or managing IOT network-type infrastructure”
Arm is owned by Soft Bank, worth over 10 trillion.
https://ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/11924322 – pg 19/20
Visa – “Block chain sharding and adjustable quorums”.
https://ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/11902456 – pg 33
HP – “Systems and methods for monetizing data in decentralized model building for machine learning using blockchain”
You get the point, it’s worth looking through the public list for yourself. This doesn’t mean much other than a lot of huge and innovative/powerful companies are aware and know about Algorand and believe it is good enough to research and cite in their own patents.
submitted by /u/gigabyteIO
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