I’ve been DCAing into crypto since mid 2023 and throughout 2024 and plan to continue this approach through to end of 2024. What is everyone’s opinion, is DCAing into alts at this point in time a silly strategy and do you reckon it would be smarter to instead lump sum and take short term positions (I.e weekly/monthly positions). I understand it depends on my personal situation etc, and no one really knows what will happen but how does everyone see these cycles playing out.
I’m planning to hold and sell everything till end of 2025 when I’m assuming the market will top. I understand I miss out on gains by DCAing but what’s everyone’s take, would now be an ideal time to continue/begin DCAing and build positions as we haven’t hit alt season yet or do you see a major correction occurring end of 2024 after the BTC halving (which would mean it might be smarter to short term trade and get back in the pull back)
I consider myself more of a passive investor so to me DCAing takes the stress/time out of being so involved in the markets. With rate cuts most likely occurring end of 2024 I don’t see this momentum stopping either. I’m up on my positions but they aren’t the biggest either, so I’m conflicted on weather I’ve chosen the smartest approach…
submitted by /u/Longjumping_Boss6062
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