Everytime I interact with a BTC maxi I get the feeling like I am talking to a brainwashed cult member. They seem to hold unwavering and absolute beliefs in the superiority of Bitcoin over all other cryptocurrencies/assets.
They tend to view the world in binary terms, where Bitcoin is seen as the one true solution to all monetary problems, while all other cryptocurrencies are dismissed as unworthy or fraudulent. This lack of nuance mirrors the black-and-white thinking often found in cult ideologies.
They exhibit hostility towards dissent and are fiercely defensive of their beliefs and often respond with resentment to any criticism or questioning of Bitcoin’s supremacy. This intolerance of dissenting opinions can create an echo chamber effect within the community. I have lost count of how many BTC people have blocked me for even mentioning other coins.
They have a strong emotional attachment to Bitcoin’s success. This emotional investment, is combined with the belief in Bitcoin’s inevitable triumph and a “Us versus them” mentality.
All the above makes me feel like 2024 Bitcoin maxis are slowly becoming a cult, blocking out all outside voices and forming their little bubble. What are your thoughts on this?
submitted by /u/Tony__Man
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