Vitalik recently noted his plan in case of a quantum computing emergency, and Apple recently implemented post quantum encryption.
These events have raised questions about when ALL systems need to begin digital signing with encryption that can withstand quantum computing.
News this week centers around IBM and error correction. “While error correction is not a solved problem, this new code makes clear the path toward running quantum circuits with a billion gates or more on our superconducting transmon qubit hardware.”
What this means, simply, is there continue to be rapid advancements. And so upgrading is inevitable. Each coin needs to consider the best path forward, because this is a potential security risk. And with crypto, users will need to know what their next steps are to protect their assets.
Below are some projects with the QR label. Their main focus isn’t just being prepared for quantum resistance.
They do stand to benefit from the narrative since they have planned for quantum resistance all along. Being prepared from the beginning offers obvious advantages.
Algo- it appears to have added Falcon as quantum resistance for consensus purposes, but I haven’t seen if they have a solution defined for Digital Signature- which is the primary issue requiring quantum resistance. This is a long standing layer1.
CELL- had a nice run-up since Jan. A decent pullback recently which might offer opportunity. Appears to be more of a DOT type design. Had a Coin Bureau club review video which didn’t do much, but some buzz around Kelvpn seems to be helping. Latest news around 2 way bridge.
QRL- Built for QR years ago, and was quiet until recently. May have been because it was hard to buy, but Mexc was added, and they are working to add in evm and smart contracts. Seems to be holding it’s new level.
QANX- Recent news is Ethereum board member Patrick Storchenegger is now CEO of QAN’s Intellectual Property (IP) holding company, and has partnered with an EU country to use their QR tech stack. Testnet April. ETH like design, PoS, with evm compatible smart contracts in any programming language.
XX, AME, XEP and a few others I know less about have also been mentioned for preparing.
submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8
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