Figured I’d post this here looking for help, more sources and validation in this.
A video of Hal Finney giving a presentation surfaced from Crypto 98
I found the event program info page and found that there was a man there named Satoshi Hada and Toshiaki Tanaka
We can finally pinpoint that there was a Satoshi in the same building with Hal Finney at a Crypto event in 1998.
I then Googled “Satoshi Hada Naka Moto” I found one tweet who also pieced this together with no replies at the time.
He also put the names of the research papers together
He linked a research paper with the following names on it talking about public and private keys (you have to view it in
Satoshi: SATOSHI Hada Naka: Toshiaki TaNAKA Moto: Naohiko UraMOTO
Now put all 3 names together – Satoshi Naka Moto
I then started researching the names and things like projects and timelines all check out. It is funny that while all these names talk about public, private keys, blockchain and crypto, NONE talk about Bitcoin.
I then googled “satoshi hada” Cypherpunk to see if he was part of that and an email surfaced here from December 2001.
I then went to Satoshi Hada’s twitter here
His tweet from 2017 caught my eye, someone made a comment in backwards text in 2021 saying Satoshin Nakamoto almost 3 years to the day of my discovery It looks possible that Satoshi Nakamoto is a combination of at least 3 people that were IBM researchers involved in early blockchain research work that predates bitcoin.
OR it can be another person or group that admired their work and took a piece of each of their names. I believe Hal Finney was not Satoshi Nakamoto and he also did not know him personally based on interviews with Fran Finney. I believe he was on that mailing list that when the white paper went out, saw it and got involved. I also feel these 3 men worked on it and moved on to other things with their lives and kept it a secret!
submitted by /u/christofooch
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