Crypto is king!
No wait, crypto is dead.
Buy high and sell low
‘Til your greens have turned red.
This market’s all omise-go!
…Then you FUD it up in a panic.
Just make sure to FOMO
And clap along with Vitalik.
One moment it’s RIP to REP
And so long to SOL longs.
Enjin’s lost its engines
And Polygon is prob’ly gone.
Oh, bye bears; bulls, it’s buy time.
Look – Banano’s gone bananas!
Shill Moons, monkeys, MANAs;
Stick some Stellars! Catch Cardanos!
Nah, ADA doesn’t matter:
EOS/Algorand/Polkadot/Avalanche/Tezos/Binance/insert your favorite here is the one and only ETH-killer.
Say goodbye to all-time-high
And Buy The Dip™️ (then watch it dip-er).
But look.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a maxi,
Or a little loop ring.
Whatever token takes your fancy,
Just remember two things:
Not your coins, not your crypto,
No-one knows shib about fuck.
So try not to get scammed,
Happy trading, and good luck.
submitted by /u/youhavemyvote
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