I am a long time coinbase user. I like their cashback debit card for free sats. I like how easy they make everything and the UEX is seamless I like that my spending account and my dollar cost averaging funds are in the same bucket. I can check all my responsibilities off and then the dry powder is right there. I want to continue dollar cost averaging into like 5 – 6 projects (mostly bitcoin) but I’m starting to get irritated with how much I’m losing to spread and fees. Is there another dex or cex that people are using with low fees and an interface as easy to use as coinbase? I am a little more adept in the space now so I can adapt to something a little less user friendly if the costs outweigh that.
What are people using to dollar cost average with low fees and low spread as a small time hodler?
submitted by /u/Luc1nity
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