Now comes the popular initiative, which aims to obligate the National Bank to purchase Bitcoin. According to the promoters, the cryptocurrency must be included in the currency reserves. They argue that with Bitcoin, Switzerland can secure its independence and neutrality. They receive support from a renowned expert in monetary policy. Yves Bennaïm’s group is behind the initiative, adding “in Gold and Bitcoin” to a constitutional article. The goal is to start a debate about Switzerland’s future in an uncertain world. They’re preparing the necessary documents to launch the initiative. Luzius Meisser, President of Bitcoin Suisse, supports the idea, claiming Bitcoin would make Switzerland richer and more independent. He’ll advocate for Bitcoin at the SNB’s general assembly. Meisser believes the SNB should act now to avoid entering the Bitcoin market at higher prices later. The initiative is well-received in Switzerland’s growing crypto community and parts of the traditional finance sector. Recent approvals for Bitcoin investment vehicles in the US and Hong Kong may influence the SNB’s decision.
submitted by /u/zbindenren
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