So this is my story. I funded my Coinlist account sending SOL to the Coinlist SOL wallet, and then when I tried to withdraw the SOL, coinlist made some kind of error and my SOL dissapeared. No, this is not some angry noob that made a mistake and is now blaming the platform, I did everything correctly and Coinlist admited they made a mistake and answered:
” Your missing SOL withdrawal was an out-of-the-ordinary situation, and our internal team is actively working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. “
But days passed, and then weeks, and then a month. I contacted them again, I asked them to prioritise my issue, and they offered me a compensation. For having all my money for more than a month, the compensation was a small discount in FEES to trade on their trading platform (with no money to trade because they took it from me). Absolutely incredible. I asked them for real money, or at least Karma points. How naive I was, thinking this would get solved soon. They said no.
Then another month passed. I contacted again. I was furious. I was missing every market movement, every oportunity. They had all the money I had to invest. And each and every time they totally ignored what I was saying and they thanked me for my patience. They were investigating the issue.
And another month, and another. I tried to elevate the issue, to “talk to the manager”, but they kept thanking me for my patience. I tried threatening them with suing them, but they kept thanking me for my patience. They probably know I don’t have the time and the money to sue them, so they have been ignoring me for 5 months now.
This is my new desperate idea, to try to make this visible sharing my story so maybe they react to this somehow, and if they don’t, at least I can help people to stay away from those scammers.
My support ticket is #1241119
submitted by /u/Denxel
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