The “inverse cc strategy” has been thrown around as a joke on this sub for a while now. For those that are un-aware of it – the idea is that the collective voice of this sub generally makes bad trading / investment decisions in crypto, and if you were to do the exact opposite each time, you’d basically be printing money.
So if r/cc says solana sucks, you know you’ve got yourself a winner.
To test this, I’ve built an open source crypto trading bot that measures this subreddit’s sentiment on most coins and places trades whenever it detects a coin as having a negative sentiment.
After a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how that would work, I am stoked to say that I finally have a working prototype of this bot. Not only that, but I also made extremely easy to reconfigure and redeploy this bot on any other subreddit so it can be used for more than just inverse cc trading.
The tool is open source and technically complete, the only thing that I still need to build into it is a reporting mechanism. Right now it just saves trades in a PSQL database so running reports would be a manual process. I also want to add performance charts.
It also needs a bit of tweaking on the sentiment service as it seems to be a bit too sensitive now (BTC should have never made the cut).
Outside of trading, it can also be used to just quickly gauge today’s sentiment on this sub, for instance, some of today’s sentiment is:
The sentiment range is between 1 and -1 where everything above 0 is positive. Anyway, my next step is to add some reporting to it so I can update you all on the performance.
If you’re interested in playing around with it or contributing to the codebase, here’s the GitHub repo. And if you want to understand how it actually works, I’ve documented it all in this article.
That’s about it! 🙂
submitted by /u/CyberPunkMetalHead
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