I used to be a designer and engineer at a few big tech companies and am now...
Month: April 2024
submitted by /u/A-Dog22 [link] [comments]
Seeing posts about folks being charged triple their transaction amount in fees for trying to move BTC....
Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer:...
submitted by /u/CyberPunkMetalHead [link] [comments]
A single victim lost about 760K a couple of days ago in wstETH, stETH, and pufETH. This...
submitted by /u/0xJonnyDee [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/InclineDumbbellPress [link] [comments]
https://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/nun-kommt-die-volksinitiative-welche-die-nationalbank-zum-kauf-von-bitcoin-verpflichten-will-ld.1827256 Translation: Now comes the popular initiative, which aims to obligate the National Bank to purchase Bitcoin....
Crashes and dips from last week can scare investors, but they are opportunities to buy lower or...