I see a Fox news reporter accuse Satoshi of being a undercover CIA agent, I see countless of people saying they are satoshi, I see people accused of being satoshi saying they are NOT satoshi, I see so many countless theories of who possibly it could be (and some of them are really good guesses)
but at the end of the day, so many people, so many questions, so little answers, it just seems like a dead-end. We had since 2008 to figure out who this mysterious person (or people) is, and we have not even come CLOSE to even solving a clue.
Some possible options: The FBI/CIA/Government has cracked his identity somehow, and are keeping the info private from the publci, and/or we have mentioned/accused Satoshi of being the real person, but we just never truly knew.
Of course, I do not condone or think it’s a good idea to always be stalking for satoshi. If he wanted to be anonymous, and left alone, then I think that we should all respect that. But same time, I do find it extremely interesting and amusing how Satoshi will never be discovered, and I will always find the mystery behind it super fascinating.
Unless Satoshi decides to reveal to the world his identity himself, if he ever does.. until then, Satoshi watches the world baffled by his existence and disappearence.
submitted by /u/Mr–Clean–Ass-Naked
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