Here are some facts and statistics about Bhutan I pulled out:
Bhutan holds 1/3 of its entire GDP in Bitcoin, 13k Bitcoins in total The 13k Bitcoins is more than 2x El Salvador’s holdings, and El Salvador has over 6 million citizens compared to 750k for Bhutan. So “BTC holdings per capita” is close to 20x for Bhutan compared to El Salvador Bhutan started getting into the crypto space in 2019, with BTC mining. This is before the hype phase in 2021. They mine BTC through hydroelectric power (clean energy). Once again ahead of the game and they don’t need to spend millions of money/stonks like SaylorMoon or El Salvador. End 2021, they quietly started construction on the largest ever mining site while the buzz was around El Salvador buying BTC. So basically they are using BTC as a true “revenue stream” where a large part of their holdings are truly in BTC. You can think of Bhutan as your typical crypto degen, but instead as a crypto bro it is a country version of it.
Why do y’all think despite all these great use cases and being the first country ever to truly hold an enormous % of their GDP in Bitcoin, Bhutan does not have the attention?
One article (from September, so note that the BTC amount in $ has doubled now):
submitted by /u/Every_Hunt_160
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