I was intrigued by the post on Travelx yesterday, as I think it’s valuable to make Airplane...
Year: 2024
Crypto.com is expanding to South Korea on April 29, 2024. Here is what this move entails. #크립토닷컴
3 min read
The Exchange will first launch its main “blue App” in the country. Once it establishes the brand...
submitted by /u/eat_pray_plead [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/chintokkong [link] [comments]
The Silk Road BTC address (linked to the US government) moved 2,000 Bitcoin ($131M) to Coinbase Prime...
Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer:...
Travelx – Disrupting the airplane ticket industrie! Today, not tomorrow. 100 Million tickets by eoy.
2 min read
Travelx – Disrupting the airplane ticket industrie! Today, not tomorrow. 100 Million tickets by eoy.
What is TravelX? TravelX is a blockchain platform that has created infrastructure to tokenize airline tickets as...
submitted by /u/LinguiniN00dle [link] [comments]
I have seen a lot of posts like “catch the falling life”. It’s incredible: you go to...
submitted by /u/0xJonnyDee [link] [comments]