Binance, recently concluded its inaugural “Vote to List” campaign, a community-driven initiative launched on March 19, 2025, to empower users in deciding which projects would join its trading platform. The campaign initially promised that the top two projects with the highest votes would proceed to Binance’s due diligence process for potential listing. However, in a surprising twist, Binance ultimately listed four projects. So how is this a scandal ?
Well for starters. There is a PVP going on BNB chain between three projects, all named Broccoli. Two of which were on the vote to list batch but the one with the largest community was not and was reserved for the next round of voting. One of the Broccolies came 5th with only 7000 eligble votes and the other came last at the 9th position. But Binance went ahead and listed the one 5th position along with three other projects. Reking all the people who fomoed into the community broccoli because they thought both of the other two lost. Please note that no where in their Terms and condition they mention they are able to alter the number of winners.
The broccoli that got listed is pushed by Chinese KOLs who enjoy a close relationship with BNB staff. Just hours before annoucement , They exited all their positions on the community one which means they had insider info or a backdoor deal.
The funny thing is , two of the projects that got listed are pushed by the same cabal. And one of them is down by more than %15 after annoucement.
submitted by /u/Dashaaaa
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