This is where I get off, sort of, for a while.
I’ve been in crypto since the tail end of the last bull run. It’s been about 3 and a half years all told. In that time I’ve seen some crazy prices, crazy drops and crazy runs. I’ve seen my net worth spike and drop and spike again.
Today, or rather, over the next few days I’m liquidating the first meaningful chunk (~45%) of my crypto holdings to put a deposit on a house. This isn’t my moon, but it’s been my financial goal for a long time.
The only thing I’m still holding is a stack of Eth and a little pile of Ada, but you can bet I’ll be building my position back over the coming months/years.
Thanks to all of you guys who’ve offered advice, combed the web for news and generally supported each other. This is a solid community.
You can bet now the time has come for me to sell we’ll see a new ATH within a month! So you’re all welcome for that!
submitted by /u/TempMobileD
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