OK 2011 seems a bit arbitrary, but it’s the low-hanging fruit of being 10 years ago. Going back through the Bitcointalk forums of around that time, I’m struck (as anyone would be) by what would be BTC in the amounts of many millions of dollars today mundanely being presented as trade for real life objects or rewards for online tasks.
The “Class of 2011” don’t owe us and certainly not me as a curious Redditor anything at all; I’m sure many are living quiet and very secure lives, I’m genuinely glad. Nor am I hunting for failure porn, although I know there’s a lot of genuine “None of us knew” stories. We know Pizza Guy but perhaps it’s difficult to fully comprehend how many people don’t possess access to their Bitcoin from that time.
I guess I’m interested in knowing if there’s people who were into BTC back then and perhaps kept some coins but aren’t multi-millionaires still on the sub. I know it can’t be a binary proposition from that time, lambo or rekt, as always with life there’ll be a mid-zone of people’s experience.
Or maybe not? Was BTC sucees then to now more of a zero-sum game than I suspect? I have no idea. As always guys thanks for indulging my curiosity, cheers.
submitted by /u/1078Garage
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