Don’t take a screenshot of your seeds. Can’t believe I need to say that. Don’t write it somewhere casually and get to it eventually Don’t tell anyone it, even if they’re in a support chat and you’re sure they work for Binance. Don’t leverage, I know you think you’re smart, but don’t do that. Don’t go ass to pussy, once you’ve moved on to butt hole — you’ve committed. UTI’s kill. Don’t click links in your DM’s, I trust you to talk to people but don’t lose your mind and fall for dumb shit. If you get an email from an exchange asking you to do something or telling you about something, open your exchange independently, clicking links and signing in is reckless Don’t take out a loan to buy crypto, it’s risky enough without involving payday loans. It’s why we don’t skydive holding alligators. Risk quota achieved already. Don’t do your crypto research all in one place, especially coin specific subs or apps meant for preteen girl’s to learn choreography.
There’s more but these are the absolute basics, if I get too in depth we’ll end up in a debate about the few times it can pan out.
submitted by /u/amandamichelle90
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