Bitcoin has closed NINE (9) green days in a row.
This has only happened three times in the history of Bitcoin.
Every time, it was followed by a face-melting bullrun.
2012-09-19, Days green: 11
Price at time: 12.32 Cycle peak: 259.34 (+2005.03%)
2013-10-15, Days green: 10
Price at time: 142.76 Cycle peak: 1163.0 (+714.65%)
2015-10-30, Days green: 9
Price at time: 328.65 Cycle peak: 19666.00 (+5883.87%)
2021-07-29, Days green: 9
Price at time: 40018.00 Cycle peak: Three words,bullish af.
Edit: This is never Financial Advice.Just your daily dose of hopium.
submitted by /u/Tatakae69
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