Greetings my fellow mooners.
This is to bring to your attention that the moon snapshot day is fast approaching, it’s on 4th August.
As some of you might be aware, moon snapshot day is when your karma of the last 28 days is noted and stored in the magic moon database.
And in a week, you get them moons in your account in accordance to the karma earned in the past 28 days.
This week is important, remember to do these three things in the upcoming days and you’re golden.
1) Vote in the moon proposals, this gives you 5% additional moons (More than what your stoopid Fiat Bank gives on your checkin account).
2) Remember to be nice and help out other new-mooners(people for whom this is the first distribution), for everyone was a new-mooner once.
And most importantly,
3) HODL the moons you recieved in the previous distribution to get an additional 20% of moons this month!
Moon proposals will be available in the week following the snapshot. You’ll have reddit posts where you can vote, nothing fancy. It’s pretty straight forward.
You’ll Know it’s a proposal, because the post will say so in BOLD LETTERS
submitted by /u/dhargopala
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