We need to organize and unite around this serious issue. We need to act TODAY. Yes, calling your Senator works if it’s in enough large numbers. Forget everything else today and let’s act as ONE against this atrocity that could kill Crypto (at least in the US).
If you live in the United States, CALL AND WRITE your Senator TODAY regarding this regulation which is being used as a weapon against Cryptocurrencies.
Please call:
Call your Senators right now at 517-200-9518 and tell them to support this amendment!
We’ll connect you to their offices and guide you through the process.
When a staff member answers, tell them:
“Hi, I’m calling to ask that you support Senator Wyden, Toomey, and Lummis’s amendment to the cryptocurrency provision of the infrastructure bill (H.R. 3684) . This amendment will ensure that the provision does not dramatically expand financial surveillance, harm innovation, or undermine human rights. Policies that impact basic freedom and the future of the Internet should be debated carefully and should never be attached to must-pass bills. Thank you.”
Also you can use this link below to do it easily:
Edit: Another very fast and easy way to do it here:
Edit 2: Watch this excellent rant by Charles Hoskinson: Warner-Portman-Sinema v Toomey-Wyden-Lummis
Edit 3: Thanks u/crypto_grandma
For those that think it won’t make any difference, I saw this comment in the pinned post on this issue in r/Bitcoin that hopefully will encourage people to see they can make a difference:
I interned for an organization that works on calling/emailing congressmen and senators on acts that we need to pass.
I never knew how this actually DOES make a difference.
You don’t even need to say the paragraph, you can say some simplified short sentence like “I support this amendment to this act”. An intern answering your call will add a tally to “support this amendment to this act” to the call report that is sent to the congressional leader and their staffers. It is an email containing numbers of how many people called about what. We can really work together to make this staggering.
True, there may be some senators that are being disgustingly lobbied out of their decisions. But there are also those who are genuinely interested/confused on cryptocurrency and this shows them the general public consensus to support.
You can literally call/email every week on repeat, it goes on a fresh new report each week. Please help in making this work.
submitted by /u/simplelifestyle
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